Sunday, March 07, 2010

the answer is no

consider this: during weekdays more than 60 % of your waking hours are spent at work, getting ready for work, getting to and from work. during the weekend 50% or more of your time might be spent catching up on household chores, grocery shopping, paying bills and all those pesky things that get left undone cos you are at work all the time. factor into this the time spent just plain exhausted sitting in front of the tv too exhausted to do anything else / mentally recovering from the shit that is your job / the hours spent catching up on sleep on the weekend and what does that leave of your life? guilt that you don't give enough time to family; a life spent feeling that you are constantly trying to catch up but never quite making it. a life exhausted and frustrated. weekend drinking and partying beacause thats the only mental release you get from what your life is turning into. waking up the next morning and wondering why has your life come to this? was this really how you imagined your life to be? is this really what you want your life to be? the answer is no. but is there a way out? again the answer is no.


S M said...

yes there is, get a less demanding job (the the lesser money that comes with it). You always have an option.. exercising it the hurdle.

Ayesha said...

salman i agree that the answer is to get a less demanding job. the problem is that at this point in life can't afford to make less money.