Thursday, February 04, 2010

bah children

why is it necessary to have children? our society puts so much importance on marriage and having children. are children really necessary to fulfill you as a person? is your life incomplete if you don't have children? i'm not being sarcastic... i really want to know? what is it about our society that makes it imperitive in life to have children? maybe i'll feel different in the future but right now i have no desire to have children. my mother obviously will not understand when i tell her that i may not want to have children at all. so i give her logical arguements.

My arguement to my mother for not having children right now is..... dont have enough money - and the response is... paida to karo, paisay mil jaingay. seriously?? maybe i should go and find myself the biggest most expensive house in islamabad and say that i have chosen to live here, doesnt matter if i have the money or not, paisa to mil jaingay, ghar to lo pehlay. sheesh. the next arguement.... i don't have time in my life right now for children, i'm not settled into a married life with working and is just too busy and i would not be able to satisfactorily dedicate the time needed to raise a child. my mother's response.... ohooo... to hum kis leeyay hain, tum paida to karoo, mein sambhal loon gi. seriously???? why would i want to put my body through 9 months of hell only to hand over the damn thing to someone else to raise?? why don't i just make myself a house, spend time money and effort to make a house that is mine and then i'll just hand it over to someone else to live in?? why have a child and then not raise it yourself?

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