Tuesday, February 14, 2012

why is everything i write about the ichky-ness of work??

Its all well and good for the corporate higher ups to talk about work-life balance but in reality its a load of crap. The higher up you go, the more you have to sacrifice of your personal life to get ahead. and hey sometimes its not even about getting ahead, its just about staying afloat and keeping pace. and for that matter its not even the higher up you go, sometimes you are right where you started from, and whats more you get deeper and deeper in the hole.

that said. i refuse to dig myself deeper into this hole. therefore i will leave work early today (which is like normal time for most people) and not do the shit loads of work being piled on. i have no desire or ambition to move ahead, or even stay apace - in fact i want to fall behind and give a clear message to that other person's boss ( i refuse to acknowledge him as my boss) that there is more work than one (or even two) people can possible manage and still stay sane.

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