Thursday, January 25, 2007

the answer is yes!!!

yes i plan on going back to pakistan after i graduate. yes i WANT to go back. yes i plan on working when i go back. yes i will be getting married when i go back. yes i want to get married. yes im ok with an arranged married. and yes i plan to work after i am married.

every week someone new discovers that im from pakistan and then the whole list of questions starts. and i find that yet again i am explaining myself to a very surprised american who finds it so hard to accept that i want to go back to pakistan. its one thing for pakistani's to be asking me if i want to go back (which btw is also getting bloody annoying... whats with all you pakis? whats so bloody wrong with pakistan that you cant imagine going back... DONT ANSWER THAT!!! but seriously why do all pakistanis living here and a lot living in pakistan find it hard to understand that i want to go back to pakistan??) but well its one thing for pakistanis to assume that it is inevitable that one would want to live in the US. but its another thing entirely for americans to naturally assume that anyone coming from another country would want to stay in their oh so wonderful country and never go back home. the arrogance of it all!!

there are some wonderful things about living in the US, and there are obvious drawbacks to living in Pakistan, but honestly... its home! come to think about it... maybe its worse when the desis are all surprised when i say i want to go back to pakistan. all you desis who look at me funny as if there is something wrong with me wanting to go back to pakistan... please re-evaluate your your thought processes. consider the possibility that there is nothing wrong with my wanting to go home. how can there be something wrong with wanting to go home? nomatter how much i enjoy myself here, this place is not my home. Pakistan is my home. for good or bad it is home. and in the immortal words of dorothy "there is no place like home!"


Irtifa Nasir said...

*APPLAUSE* Well said. Are you having P(ost)-MS?

Irtifa Nasir said...

BTW... I want to go home too. Pakistan is an ideal place for us to live if we have lots of money, American kitchens and central heating and air-conditioning. Everything else is perfect.

Ayesha said...

american kitchens are so bad :P they have no ventilation or anything and then the whole house smells of onions and garlic :P

Omer said...

it surprises me how much you care about what other people will think of your decision(s) when you are one who has to live with them.

Unknown said...

Are you coming back to Pak?