Tuesday, February 21, 2006


for the first time in a while im interested in something im studying. im fascinated with my ethics class. it makes me think about things that i take for granted and for assumptions that all of us make about certain things, that when you really think about them... well it really makes you think.

today i read this article written by a disabled person, about the value of life and assisted suicide. (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9401EFDC113BF935A25751C0A9659C8B63)
disabled people arent something i have ever really thought about and unless people personally know someone who is disabled, it is not something we would normally think about at length and we inherently have certain assumptions and stereotypes about them.

its stuff like this and other moral question that really make you introspect about what is right and wrong and why you believe in certain things. questions like the morality of killing terrorists. acceptability of civilian casualties in the war against terrorists. the market in kidneys. what kind of ethics apply to spys.

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